Monday, March 30, 2009

School: Sports Day Was A Quite A Boring Day....

Sports Day was quite boring...but get to see my friends and some of my adiks angkat. One of my adik lari for some events..can't remember what events..Damn! But a lot of events she participated...Then talk to my lower sec freinds..they are better than talking to my upper sec...Amirah and her gang was so close to my malu nk talk to her...and one of her friends, lower sec belanja her and her friends...( Amirah, next time ask me to of charge...wait..why am I telling you, guys? Who the heck cares!)..So good ..ok keep it short..I ajak my adik to go makan with me and answered don't know...haizz..Then saw Danial( ITE), Haziq, Nazyrul, Namirah and to them...'blah.......'blah'. Then..skip prize presentation...sec 1 stay back cuz must clean-up..muahahaha!!!!!!.....but I cannot like adik also in sec 1..Then when sports day finish, everybody went out...Wait for the bus no long must wait..Then went to Mac near my house and buy food of course..Then talk to my adk ff...hehe..I made her laugh...hehe...then chat for a while and now doing this post..Sms my other adik angkat....

I now always have no mood...Ask me and I answer I don't know why.....simple as that. Now must do homework... And put some comments on my friends friendster.....Now, I can't think anything else..Ah! I brought my shades to Sports Day..hehe..look cool mah!

That's about it!