Sunday, March 29, 2009

If I Can Get My Hands on Him, He Would Already Be......

2 days back, I chat with my adik angkat...she told me that she fainted twice..I think...cuz all she thought about was her boyfriend but then she told me she broke up already....She fainted cuz she didn't get enough sleep and didn't eat for 2 days...I was damn shocked til I was almost half dead.....and at the same time, so pissed off with her current ex..( Shafiq( farhanh ex 's bfnow)...if you are reading this, I am on the look out for you!! Be prepared..cuz if I see eu, I make sure I break every bone..and I will never let you get away with this..You hear me!!!) After that day, my hands have been crunching into my fists, just waiting for that day to come.....Then at home, chat with my adk huda and ff and saw them on their long never chat with them....(ff masih's true!..adk huda..whatever I say to you..diam-diam jer..)Great time chatting with them...

Well yesterady, went to Burger King for breakfast..Then went to E!hub..go play arcade...Saw Nazhurah( budak sec 4) and went to watch a movie 'The Unborn'..damn scary the movie is...I think to some, confirm cannot sleep after watching the movie...then went home for a while...then can' t remember the rest...Damn! That's about it..Can't think a lot today..I just want to cry a lot today...(crying...)

Happy Belated Birthday, Zalifa!!!