Annabelle And Haikel
Me and Zana
Me and Amanda(Group Leader )
me getting to dress as MJ..kinda embarassing man..( not gonna go show you all...later too embarassing )
Then, last Monday to Wed was also the best days i had! Got to meet new new leaders( Eric, Rachel, Dillion and Fabian)..those days i really enjoyed. Monday got to meet S'pore idols(Top 5) to learn hip hop dance also got to learn computer engineering..quite hard to understand..yeah by the way, never get to experience dragon boat due to the rain..damn the rain!! Then on Tuesday, got to study business course..quite ok..just plain talk and games..then have lunch..then had the rawkers challenge..sort of the amazing race many cheers too..some cheers damn funny..The last day was the best day out tof the three days..although i came late..i was able to catch up with my team coz i called my PL and told him I was late. We went to IT course...check out what kind of courses there are in It and then there was lunch..the food was quite nice though..went for the last course Applied Course..we went two of the courses, chemcial engineering and vet courses( more of the bio stuffs)..then we went to the convection centre(TCC) and got to meet wth the producers and cast of First Class, Sports@SG and Polo Boys...The casts were Max Loong, Jade Seah, Kui Jien, Michelle Chia and lastly Paul Foster..Got to ask them questions..One of my friends go to hug Paul Foster and Max..( Pooja, we knew it was you.haha)..after was party time( jam and hop)..that time was the way we got to wear the tprawks shirt and my shirt was signed by many blue hooides...wohoo! Had one last mass dance(learn on the second day)and had our last meeting together and says our thanks to the PL(Peer leader) and CL(colour leader)..i went home..the rest went to eat supper with them..hope this enjoyment can happen again.Here are some pics:
Blue hoodies at the lab..
Faizal Isa, Tabitha and a TP Rawker( on the left is Slyvia and behind is Charles)
Michelle Chia and Paul Foster
Celebs at TP..Max Loong, Jade Seah,....
Ken, me and Nadine..
My group PLs( from left:Fabian, Rachel and Eric..nt in picture: Dillion) and me
The PLs(peer leaders) and CLs( colour leaders) with me