A few days ago, I received the shocking news in my life!!! One of friend of mine got a brain tumour...I am shocked til my entire body felt so numb and barely moved....Almost half-dead...After hearing, I had sleepless night, just thinking what would happen to my adik...I am damn scared and worried for my friend ....and her operation is in overseas..( Insyakallah operasi dia will be a success...Chinese people not need to know these..sorry!)...And one of my close friend, also knew about this. She cried after I told her the news..And soon I too cried ....I also decided to see her before she goes for her operation...What I and another friend of mine can do now is to 'berdoa'(hope and pray) for her operation to be a success....
To my friend:Me and my another close friend will berdoa that your operation will be a sucess...Insyakallah it will be!